Is It Time For Driveway Replacement?

Driveway surfaces are subject to daily pressures that cause deterioration. Cracks, stains, potholes, and poor drainage can all be signs that your driveway needs repair or replacement.Driveway Replacement

If your driveway has a few small cracks, a professional can apply a crack filler to help keep them from becoming bigger problems. Resurfacing is also an option for homeowners who don’t want to replace their entire driveway. However, if you need some help from experts, you can contact Driveway Replacement Greensboro NC.

Over time, your driveway endures a significant amount of wear and tear. It takes a beating from vehicles driving over it, the freezing and thawing of the soil underneath, as well as other environmental factors. The type of material used for the driveway will also impact its durability and longevity, as there are various types of concrete and asphalt.

While some signs of damage are easy to spot, others can be more subtle and difficult to discern. For example, if you see large chunks of pavement missing from your driveway, it’s important to have them repaired as soon as possible. These missing pieces can put a strain on the suspension of cars and other vehicles, which can lead to costly repairs down the road.

The best option for repairing your driveway is to patch the affected areas. However, the type of surface your driveway is made from will determine whether this is a practical and cost-effective solution. For example, natural stone pavers like cobblestones are extremely durable and can last centuries. However, this type of repair can be more costly than repairing a concrete or asphalt surface.

Concrete driveways are known to be one of the most durable and affordable options for homeowners. However, this doesn’t mean that it is immune to cracking and other issues. If you are experiencing severe cracking in your concrete driveway, a replacement is likely the best choice to avoid further damage.

The first thing to consider is how big the cracks are. If the cracks are just surface-level, a simple repair may be sufficient to prevent further damage. If the cracks are deeper, however, they will continue to deteriorate and potentially weaken the structure of your driveway. This could result in further problems, such as water damage or even structural failure. Ultimately, this may result in the need for the full removal and replacement of the driveway. This is particularly true if the cracks are in the corners of your driveway, where it’s more difficult to hide them with a simple repair.


Your driveway surfaces work hard to protect your cars and provide the entrance to your home. However, heavy vehicles, the elements, and aging take their toll on your driveway material. Cracks, stains, oil leaks, potholes, failed drainage, and a general lack of curb appeal are just a few of the key signs that your driveway needs some TLC.

A full replacement is often the best option when large sections of your driveway are structurally compromised. Cracks are a serious problem as they allow water into the structure of your driveway, which can cause the soil to shift, freeze in cold climates, break apart, or even collapse the concrete.

FSM can help with your driveway repair project using a state-of-the-art concrete lifting solution called PolyRenewalTM. With this method, small holes only the size of a penny are drilled into the concrete driveway slabs, and then polyurethane foam is injected underneath to expand, filling the void and lifting the concrete until it’s back to level with the surrounding slabs. This repair method does not compact the soil, wash out, or leach harmful chemicals into the surrounding environment and is a long-term solution.


While it’s impossible to avoid some damage from normal wear and tear, a well-maintained driveway can help extend its life. However, homeowners must determine whether it’s time for a full replacement or if repairs are enough. The decision can be complicated, as it depends on the severity of the damage and how extensive the repairs will be. For example, large cracks in the surface indicate that there’s a problem underneath that needs to be addressed.

In such cases, a homeowner should consult a professional to see how best to repair the problem and prevent future issues from occurring. The professional will also recommend a material that will withstand the weather and soil conditions in the area and provide long-lasting durability.

A concrete driveway can be repaired by patching the damaged areas with a fresh layer of concrete to prevent further damage and resealing to ensure a uniform look. A new asphalt driveway is a bit more expensive to repair, but it will provide superior durability and last for years.

Depending on the type of material, resurfacing may be an option for some older driveways with moderate damage. Resurfacing involves installing a new 2″ layer of hot asphalt to restore the appearance of the driveway. This method can be cost-effective if only a few areas are affected.

If the surface of the driveway is severely damaged, it’s often a sign that it’s time to replace it completely. Deep cracks and pits in the driveway can indicate that there is a structural problem, such as poor drainage or uneven settling. If the driveway was constructed with rebar reinforcement or without a properly compacted base, these problems can worsen over time.

A damaged driveway can be a safety hazard for drivers and pedestrians. A cracked surface can be uneven, creating a trip hazard and trapping water or ice under the surface. It can also be difficult to maneuver vehicles or push snow around a driveway with severe damage. In addition, a poorly maintained driveway can detract from curb appeal and make the property look less desirable to potential buyers.


Driveways are subject to a lot of wear and tear. Heavy vehicles like cars, trucks, and buses ply across them every day. Rain, snow, and ice can cause damage. If your driveway shows signs of significant deterioration, it may be time to consider replacement. A new driveway can enhance curb appeal and make it easier to park in your garage or on the street. Costs vary depending on material, design, and extras.

Concrete driveways run $4–8 per square foot and are a good choice for long-lasting, durable surfaces. They can be colored and stamped for visual appeal with decorative borders, designs, or inlays. If your concrete driveway is properly built, it can last for decades.

Asphalt driveways are less expensive than concrete, running $3–$7 per square foot on average. They can also be recycled, reducing their environmental impact. Asphalt can be dyed and textured to create unique visual effects, such as wood grain or brick paver designs.

If your driveway is only 15 to 20 years old and doesn’t show major deterioration, repair or resurfacing might be enough to extend its life. But if the cracks are widespread and severe or the surface is separating from the ground, it’s likely time to replace it.

Concrete spalling, or scaling, is a sign that the surface layers of your driveway are breaking down and crumbling. It’s more common in cold climates and can be caused by freeze-thaw cycles or chemical burns from salt mixtures used for de-icing. It’s more costly to repair than other types of damage, but usually it’s best to replace the entire driveway if you want to ensure that the new concrete is of consistent quality.

Sunken areas are often caused by erosion or shifting soil beneath the driveway. Repairs to sunken brick or cobblestone driveways involve raising the affected area and replacing the existing material. It’s more expensive than repairing or resurfacing, but it can extend the life of your driveway for a longer period of time. It’s also more affordable than a complete replacement, which is recommended if the existing driveway has serious structural problems or issues with drainage or grading.